Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR)


Description The Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR) also provides support to citizens of Ukraine and their family members who have a document of tolerated residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic marked “Ukrainian immigrant”. The following are considered a family member of a Ukrainian citizen: husband and wife (they do not […]

EQUITA – Health to communities


CAUTION: The “Health to Communities” project, led by EQUITA, will be finalised on 31.5.2024. The project covered the provision of information on the availability of healthcare in your region. From 1.6.2024 it will only be possible to contact the helpline on the following telephone number: +421 948 339 647 or on the email address, […]

The Foreign Police

Táto služba je presmerovaná na článok o cudzineckej polícii v Tools – Safe Redirect Manager.

Mental Health League

Liga za duševné zdravie

Description Psychosocial care We provide psychosocial care and support for people from Ukraine. Gender-based violence project The Gender Based Violence Project aims to raise awareness on women’s health while helping specific cases of gender based violence specifically as needed. The main principles of the project are anonymity, confidentiality, non-judgement, client-orientation and an effort to provide […]



Description Individual psychological counselling and therapy for children and families Psychological counselling and therapy are provided by Natália Shtefanek, a psychologist, who speaks Slovak and Ukrainian. You can agree on the frequency of meetings as needed (for example, once a week, once a month). We provide counselling in person in Bratislava, by phone or online. […]

Platform for families with children with disabilities

Platforma rodín

Description InkluLINKA Telephone line and e-mail for parents of children with disabilities. We offer the help of our lay counsellors in the form of listening, giving advice and solving specific life situations. (Slovak, Ukrainian, English) You can reach us on weekdays from 9:00 to 12:00. +421 911 387 733 (Slovak, Ukrainian) +421 948 991 […]