Žilina Self-Governing Region
Description Culture Libraries help expatriates from Ukraine by sharing information. Visit one of our libraries: Krajská knižnica v Žiline Kysucká knižnica v Čadci Turčianska knižnica v Martine Oravská knižnica Antona Habovštiaka, Dolný Kubín Liptovská knižnica GFB, Liptovský Mikuláš Social care We provide social services, free counselling and accommodation in our social services homes and school […]
Language courses, workshops, volunteering, raising awareness and community centres.
Greek Catholic Eparchial Charity
Provision of services in Support Centres in Košice, Michalovce and Vyšné Nemecké.
ADRA Kežmarok – Ukrainian and Slovak HUB
Community centre, cultural events, language conversations and material assistance for people from Ukraine.
City of Bratislava – Cultural events for people from Ukraine
Museums, City Library and events in Ukrainian language for free.
Goethe-Institut Bratislava
Movie evenings, discussions, library, Ukrainian movie and book club.